Never put your life on hold waiting for someone else

Are you waiting for others to make a move so you can then make a move? If so, it means that you are playing a game of chess and are waiting for your opponent to move his knight so that he can checkmate you. However, if you are not playing chess, then there is really no reason to put your life on hold because you are waiting for someone to make a move on you or your life. One of the biggest reasons for resentment in any type of relationship is the sacrifice an individual makes for family, a spouse, partner, or job and gets nothing in return. We hear half-truths, empty promises, innuendos, and then we get our hopes up.

Now what happens when we realize those promises were empty? Your hopes and dreams crash to the ground where they are shattered. Now you are left with a series of questions: why, why, why? You start to freak out wondering what happened and when that question goes unanswered you start to lose control wondering how people can treat others with such little consideration.

Now here’s the hard truth and believe me, I’ve had a hard time swallowing it. The hard truth is that if someone can get away with walking in and out of your life and doing whatever they please knowing you’re not going anywhere, they’ll take advantage of your free time. You have a lot of free time on your hands if someone can come and go from your life as they please and you keep bringing it back with whatever new excuse of the day they give you. I bet if you were busy in your life making yourself, others would not be able to hijack your precious time. Because when you have some free time in your busy life, you keep it very fondly.

Now maybe you are saying that it is selfish not to be for others and you are right. However, it is also selfish not to be selfish. I’ve learned it the hard way. He was always doing it for everyone and everyone was very happy with it. I put my life on hold to be for others, while those others were very happy to be for themselves and quite happy to take and take and take a little more of me without thinking of the sacrifices I made for them. They treated me horribly because I was “doing it for them”. The moment I realized how much of myself I had sacrificed over the years and how many of my dreams I had put on hold for others and began to be for myself, the knives, the axes were sharpened and the blows They began to arrive quickly. But I promised myself that I will never again sacrifice my life, hoping and doing for others and putting my life and dreams on hold.

The thing is, while you put your life on hold waiting for others, they are happy in their lives knowing you are there when they are ready to use you or clean your dirty feet. Worse still when they laugh at you and your so-called “stagnant life”. They don’t even realize that your life is stagnant because you were doing it for them. What is worse, they will blame you for never asking you for anything.

There is nothing more rewarding than living your life for yourself, no matter how many people dislike you for it. You shouldn’t be living an ordinary life. Instead, he lives an extraordinary life. You deserve it and it is your birthright. You only have one life to live, so live it boldly and beautifully and watch your world become dynamic. You will find that the people who once loved you will now hate you because you are no longer sacrificing your life for them. They may even try to block your life from moving forward, however, you are the captain of your lifeboat and can turn the compass of your life in any direction you choose.

Always treat your life and time as precious and when you do so you will not allow anyone to violate your time and life. If someone expects you to put your life on hold and attend to them, appreciate where they are in their life, however, you must respect your life and keep it moving. If you want to serve someone, make sure your life is not sacrificed. Do it because you want to and not because of empty promises, half-truths and innuendos.

Don’t give yourself up for someone else. You are just as important. So value your life and your time. If others want to be a part of your life, they must respect and value your time and life. Get busy in your life with your dreams and goals so that when others come in contact with you, you know immediately if they are with you and for you or if they are traveling in a different direction. That way, no one’s time is wasted or sacrificed. You will start to feel happier with yourself because now you are fulfilling your dreams and goals instead of sacrificing yourself for others.


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