Do you visualize the obstacles, as challenges or problems?

Everyone experiences certain great days, many average and some that may not be as great as we would like! The primary reality of life is, though often life is not a plate of cherries, it’s almost always up to you to create your best experiences. There will always be certain obstacles in our way, because, as Murphy’s Law says, things will go wrong in any situation, if you give them a chance, or more commonly said, what can go wrong will go wrong. Our happiness and general well-being, therefore, largely depends on how we manage them. Are you prepared to give yourself a checkup, from the neck up, in an introspective, objective way? Do you see the glass half full or half empty? When obstacles arise, do you perceive them as problematic or as a challenge to overcome? In other words, it is often about the quality of your attitude, and whether you prepare to proceed, in a positive way, which you can do, or debilitating and negative! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss the difference between perceiving obstacles as problems or challenges, and why/how it matters and differs.

1. Problem/ pessimism – and – fatality: You’re a, The sky is falling writes? When something happens, as it often does, do you weaken yourself and let it control your behavior, etc.? When we focus on potential problems, we often fail to do, in a well-considered and timely manner, what we need to do, and proceed to procrastinate when timely, necessary, and wise action is needed. Consider how it makes you feel when you do this. Does it benefit you in any way, other than perhaps a period of denial and delay in the short term, in the long term, or is it relevant and sustainable?

two. Challenges / positive and proactive approach: If you conceive and perceive each obstacle as a challenge, you will position yourself to become stronger, better and more capable, to adapt to whatever life throws your way. Think about how you feel when you think of a challenge, instead of a problem! Do you think that our great athletes allow themselves to be controlled by any circumstance, in a negative way? The best always want to take the last hit and accept the challenges! When Michael Jordan needed to make a shot, he visualized the ball going through the rim and winning the game. The best golfers always see the ball rolling towards the hole, instead of emphasizing the risks of obstacles and traps, in front of the green.

You can let obstacles become empowering or damaging experiences! It’s always up to you!

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