Why should I use a Skate Mate roller skating trainer?

Roller skating is a very fun activity. It has similar aerobic benefits to other aerobic exercises like jogging, running, or cardio karate, except that roller skating is a low-impact activity. “Low impact” means that this particular activity is less stressful on the joints and will not cause the joints to go into joint degeneration (also known as wasting) prematurely, unlike other aerobic exercises.

While this activity can be fun and entertaining, roller skating is not without its dangers. Safety equipment should always be used to avoid serious injury. You should always wear a helmet, wrist, elbow and knee pads when you are a beginning skater.

A Skate Mate roller skating trainer will allow the beginning skater to develop two things:

1. scale

2. proprioception

A Skate Mate roller skating trainer is highly recommended because as a first time skater you WILL have balance issues. Just like a baby learning to walk will have balance problems and need a rolling walker to stand, a beginning skater also needs a roller skating trainer to guard against balance problems that lead to falls and serious injuries.

You can’t learn to box effectively if you don’t have the right tools to box with minimal injury. Similarly, you can’t learn to skate effectively if you always hurt yourself from frequent falls. For that reason, a roller skating trainer is needed to maintain balance.

A Skate Mate roller skating trainer is the ideal tool to help you develop not only balance but also proprioception. Proprioception is a medical term for your perception of the position of your joints without looking at them; that is, “joint position sense”. As I sit here writing this article, my proprioception, or position perception, tells me that both my feet are on the ground and my legs are bent at the knees without having to look at the actual position of my legs. That’s proprioception.

Another way of saying it is that a guitarist would know where to play the G string by the position of their fingers on the guitar without having to look at the strings. That’s proprioception.

As a beginning skater, a Skate Mate roller skating trainer will help you develop proprioception so you can skate down the aisle without looking at the position of your feet, which will determine which direction you’ll go while riding on moving wheels.

Did you know there’s a neurological purpose when roller skating rinks do what’s known as a “blackout” for some songs? When they go out, the lack of light will allow those with proprioception to continue skating knowing where their feet are on the ground. Skaters with little or no position awareness would have a hard time skating in the dark and would have to wait until the lights come back on to see how their feet are placed on the ground when skating.

Simply put, people with proprioception have the ability to skate in the presence or absence of light, while people with little or no proprioception need light to see how their feet are positioned to skate.

Balance and proprioception are two very important things to develop as a novice skater. The right tools, like a Skate Mate roller skating trainer, are needed to stimulate proper neurological communication from the brain to the lower extremities (legs) and vice versa, to minimize injuries during the learning process and maximize enjoyment on the wheels. roller skates.

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