Why am I single? 9 Guys Who Always Seem To Be Alone

Have you ever asked yourself the question: “why am I alone?” Well, to answer that, I have listed 9 guys who seem to always be alone. You are one of them?

The one with the fear of rejection

You desperately want to go on a date, but the fear of rejection paralyzes you. You imagine the woman laughing at you or telling the whole room that you tried to flirt with her.

You have to realize 2 things:

You are going to be rejected. Everyone does it at one time or another.

Being rejected says nothing about you, your character, or your value.

Don’t do it and throw in the towel after a rejection. You have to keep trying. Eventually you will meet that girl who likes the way you look and the way you talk.

Now, if you try to pick up women a lot and get rejected all the time, then maybe it’s time to get some advice on what you’re doing wrong (from friends, family or experts), but never get discouraged.

The one who doesn’t take action

You sit behind the computer all day. You look. You read. You learn. You look. You listen but you never act.

You have your reasons, I’m sure (you’re insecure, inexperienced and fearful, you don’t like how you look, etc.) but they only perpetuate the situation.

Start taking action now. Hang out with friends and meet people at a bar, in the park. Approach women in the supermarket, at the bank, on the street and talk to them. Have casual conversations about random topics, with no purpose other than to get out and experiment.

The next step would be to ask someone on a date.

You will get there.

To take action. Talk to the women. Your confidence will increase. You will be comfortable. Conversations will flow. Women will answer you.

Good luck.

The one who is still hung up on his ex:

(“Why can’t she be more like my ex?”)

While it’s natural to think about your ex and take a look at their Facebook profile, it’s a different story if you’re still doing those things two years after the breakup.

You idealize the relationship because you felt something very strong or because she rejected you, and you put all your effort into trying to get back together with her.

Every new girl is there just to pass the time or is compared to her ex. Every new relationship has no chance of success.

And the sad thing is that you can wake up one day and realize that you missed out on being with a wonderful girl just because you were too obsessed with your ex to notice.

the perfectionist

“He eats the peas one by one.”

(Seinfeld. season 7 episode 1)

It could be a very good quality in other areas of life, but when it comes to your love life it’s a big no no.

You are looking for the perfect woman and you tend to break relationships over insignificant things.

You never feel complete in a relationship and you always have the feeling that there is something better out there for you.

You have very high demands on yourself and your girlfriend and zero tolerance for any behavior, appearance or expression that does not meet your expectations.

You tend, at times, to ignore your girlfriend’s needs in favor of what you think is best, but you expect her to always be attentive and sensitive to your needs.

You need to realize that “You’re not perfect, dude. And let me spare you the suspense. This girl you met, she’s not perfect either. But the question is, whether or not you’re perfect for each other.” ” (Hunting Goodwill)

the narcissist

If you have narcissistic personality disorder, at first you seem like the best boyfriend ever. You act successfully; The people around you admire you, you make big romantic promises and you act jealous, which your partner finds flattering.

However, after the cloud of infatuation dissipates, she discovers that jealousy has become a major factor in the relationship and is followed by her clothing and behavior, limitations in her social life, interrogations, and lack of space. .

The one that is too good

Are you familiar with the term nice guys finish last? Well, in the world of dating they don’t end at all. It’s okay to be nice, but only in moderation. If you say ‘do you want your phone? Do you need me to dial for you? What else can I get for you? Are you too tired? I can take you to the car. She runs! Strive to get. Let her do things for you. Show him that you have other options.

The one with anxiety problems

Being with you is not easy because you bring all your anxieties and stresses into the relationship and create a reality where both of you are always walking on eggshells. Each aspiration for change unbalances their relationship. You have a hard time committing to a decision and the fear of rejection, the fear of making a catastrophic mistake makes it very difficult to find and keep a partner. Because once you find one, they run off after realizing the relationship is stuck with no chance of change for the foreseeable future.

The one with borderline personality disorder

When your relationship with your partner is going well, you shower her with attention and adoration, but when she doesn’t live up to your expectations, your self-confidence is shattered and you manifest your pain by hurting her verbally or physically, abusing her. emotionally, and even threatening to hurt her or yourself. You tie your self-worth to the relationship and the fear of abandonment tends to try to keep it with you by saying things like “I’ll kill myself if you leave.”

The one with the evasion problems

You could be very successful and still be alone because you have an avoidance pattern that interferes with your ability to flirt with women and be in a relationship. Even when you find a relationship, you still find it difficult to reveal yourself, your emotions and thoughts, and you end up pushing your girlfriend away.

I used to be the one who didn’t take action. What type are you??

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