White papers: an essential marketing tool

White papers are the sleeping giants of marketing tools. This is great news for companies that haven’t figured them out yet, because “[r]Research indicates that IT executives review an average of 30 white papers each year, which nearly 90% of executives find [them] useful or extremely useful and more than half say that white papers influence their purchasing decisions.” That’s according to Bitpipe online, February 2004.

What is a white book?

A white paper is essentially a hybrid of a magazine article and a brochure. Your job is to educate first, then sell; Convince readers that they have a problem or need, and then offer the company’s product or service as a solution. They are effective at attracting attention because their sales technique is subtle. White papers position the company in a place of authority, reliability and experience; they are a “soft sell”, powerful for generating leads.

What do you do with a white piece of paper?

White papers are always given away for free and are usually distributed electronically. Post them on your website; distribute them by email; syndicate them online. Bitpipe is perhaps the best known white paper source, although there are others. People looking for information on your topic find it on these sites, read it, print it, save it, share it, and refer to it repeatedly.

How will white papers benefit your company?

Compared to a brochure or other marketing piece, a white paper enjoys a long shelf life. People keep them for their useful information and often come back to make a purchase up to a year later. They can also be made into trade publication articles and other pieces. For a company that wants to establish itself as a leading company in its field, white papers are an excellent investment.

The end result of the white papers…

If you are a business executive looking for a copywriter to write white papers, congratulations on your smart decision. Your support will contribute to a stronger finished product. With the right amount of input and feedback from you, he or she can create an effective marketing piece with wide reach, a long shelf life, and the power to generate big profits for you.

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