The smallest tripod in the world

The sharpness of your photographic images is always enhanced by the use of a tripod. Larger and heavier tripods work perfectly, especially with long exposures in low light. But on vacations and short trips to local attractions it makes carrying a tripod unwieldy and cumbersome. A lightweight tripod makes it easier, but it’s a poor tool for a stable stand. It’s probably better depending on your camera stabilization.

Optical stabilization helps stabilize the camera at speeds of 1/8 to 1/60 of a second, but not for slower speeds. Stabilization itself can introduce artifacts or slightly less acuity. An alternative to the tripod is the bean bag pod. This works well where there is an uneven place to put your camera. This leaves out the vertical surfaces to position the capsule when a horizontal image is needed. It also takes up an appreciable amount of space in your camera bag. Of course, you could resort to raising the ISO to astronomical heights, thereby introducing an obvious number of artifacts and diminished image quality.

Some of the most beautiful photos are those taken at dusk. The light is warm from the dying sun and cool in the shadows. Landscape and garden photographs come to life in this kind of light. Unfortunately, slow shutter speeds are needed for proper exposure. Here is my advice. Buy a small amount of silly putty (it comes in a small egg) and press it between the chamber and any solid surface. The putty takes the shape of the surface on one side and the chamber surface on the other side. Any slightly uneven surface can be adjusted. You’d be surprised how solid the camera feels even at shutter speeds of a second and more. The finish of the chamber is not affected at all and the silly putty can be used over and over again. Some surfaces available for your silly putty tripod are: door arches, door jambs, walls, fences, buildings, countertops, tree trunks, and car roofs. Now you will never be without a tripod. This one costs a couple of dollars and weighs less than an ounce.

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