Simple steps to get rid of belly fat

Wondering how to get rid of belly fat? Millions of people are probably in the same position as you. When people talk about losing fat, they are usually referring to losing belly fat. Abdominal or visceral fat is among the most prominent markers of an out-of-shape body, which is why most people focus on it in particular when working on a diet plan to achieve their ideal body. It’s certainly not just about the look, high levels of abdominal fat have been associated with increased chances of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Therefore, there is more to merely improving appearance than the desire to get rid of belly fat.

It is possible to burn belly fat with a smart diet and moderate exercise. Taking on the diet part of that equation means reducing the number of calories you eat, in the first place. On average, a reduction of about 500 calories per day is recommended. This allows you to continue eating and feel like you are eating about the same amount while losing a pound a week if you follow the diet carefully. Whatever reduction you make, make sure you don’t reduce your daily caloric intake below 1,500 calories per day. Below that value, your metabolism starts to malfunction and slows down and your body will experience a shortage of nutrients.

You should also stick to the time-tested adage to eat plenty of fiber. A lot of research has shown that fiber is linked to efficient fat loss, so you need to get plenty of it to give yourself the best chance of shedding excess fat from your body. Fiber is also good for your digestive system.

Next, you may want to ditch the processed foods in your home. These are not only loaded with fat, they are also loaded with sodium, and sodium has been linked to higher cases of heart disease. Plus, you may actually end up feeling fat due to water retention caused by having too much sodium in your diet—much of the flab in your belly is actually water your body is retaining. Cutting back on salt can give you immediate results and make you feel slimmer faster.

Finally, incorporate some basic fat loss exercises into your daily schedule. This doesn’t need to be intense; Scientists have found that moderate exercise generally produces the same results as vigorous exercise. Add a daily long walk or jog to your diet and you should see results in no time in your effort to get rid of belly fat.

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