Selling your own ads on your mobile app

What is AdMob?

Admob is a mobile advertising platform founded by Omar Hamouri in 2006, offering an advertising solution for Android, iOS, webOS, Flash Lite, Windows Phone 7 and all standard mobile web browsers. Google acquired Admob in November 2009 and today Admob is the world’s largest mobile advertising platform, delivering over 700 billion impressions since launch.

What is an internal Admob ad?

An Admob House Ad is your own advertisement that you can embed in your own app for free. It’s a great way for you to generate additional revenue with your free app and also to encourage your users to upgrade to the paid app. Admob’s seamless user interface also makes creating your house ad a breeze. An internal ad can be set up with a couple of clicks and you can also easily set targeting options like geo location, demographic profile and device version. This ensures that your ads reach your target audience.

An internal ad is a great source of backlinks for your website (if your app has one), as it will drive more traffic to your website and provide more information to your audience where the mobile screen could not deliver.

If it happens that your application does not have a website, the house ad could work as an advertising medium where you could earn additional income. There are 2 options for this, find a potential advertiser who is willing to pay to advertise on your app or just use the AdMob generated ad.

How do I sell my ad space?

Say if you are looking to generate some ad revenue from your mobile app. There are a couple of ways:

1. Use the ad network (ie AdMob)

Once you’ve integrated an AdMob SDK into your app, AdMob will automatically run any ads you have and share the revenue with you.

2. Sell your own ads

A. Sometimes for premium publishers you may not want to serve ads from anywhere because you may not know what ads will be shown.

b. You may also want to position your ad space as premium in line with the content your app provides.

vs In this case, you can sell your own ads directly through a vendor that already exists in your organization and is probably already selling ads for your website.

d. You can also list on your website that you are open to having advertisers for your app and people can contact you for your ad rates.

my. You can even create an internal ad to promote that you have space available for sale!

How do I add Admob House Ad in my app?

1) The first step in creating your house ad is of course to have an account with Ad Mob, but don’t worry, you can link your Google account with Ad Mob so you don’t have to re-enter your credentials. After you have your account in place, the next important step is to put the downloaded AdMob SDK into your app to ensure that ads can be delivered to your app correctly.

This is done in many ways and differs depending on the mobile operating system you are building. See the AdMob documentation here:

AdMob SDK and code embedded in an iPhone app via XCode

2) The next step is to create the ad content where you can choose a text ad or a banner ad. Choose what you think is right for you and click Finish.

Choose the type of creative for the internal ad banner

3) Next, you’ll need to choose which platform you want to post your ad on. Additional options such as destination country and device version are also available.

Targeting options for your house ads

4) The last step is to create an action when users click on your ad.

Definition of the action after the touch. Destination site or app download

This is typically an app download if you’re promoting another mobile app or a URL to a website. We strongly recommend that your URL be optimized for mobile devices. Mobile users are demanding and will not navigate the website if it is not optimized for mobile devices.

In fact, AdMob found that campaigns with mobile-optimized pages significantly increased average visit duration. Designers use a visual drag-and-drop interface to design the microsite, allowing them to design a mobile microsite up to 5x faster and without development knowledge.

If you have great creative, you can even charge more for your ads because the users who see the ads are more engaged, and advertisers are willing to pay for the extra effort to make a great ad.

5) Viola, you’re done and the ad will be pushed to your app soon.

how it looks in an app


Being an AdSense user for years, I definitely think it’s worthy enough to call AdMob its little brother and I think AdMob will continue to be the benchmark of mobile advertising platform for years to come. Aside from the intuitive and easy-to-use interface that appealed to me, the clear and concise reporting system is also a plus point for AdMob. The verdict for AdMob is simple, give it a try.

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