Information at your fingertips

That may be saying a lot, but evidence is abounding that the Internet is slowly replacing what books and tangible reading materials can provide. Fewer students go to the library and do research in hardcover books, and more students buy their own personal computers to use for research. Books and references are perceived as more reliable compared to searching online, but then going to libraries is very time consuming and no one would want to spend the rest of the day sitting in a corner and taking notes. We now live in a world where everything is instant, including education.

It is therefore mandatory that when learning, the proper way is to do it at school and if not, at least hire a professional tutor to teach you at home. While these practices are still observed today, another option for getting an education has been added. Now you can enjoy online education.

But again, online education does not necessarily mean that we should receive our education on the Internet. It also means that people can now turn to the Internet for additional knowledge. Take ISEE prep and LSAT prep, for example. Instead of hiring someone to teach you what to do during these entrance exams, now you can do it on your own. There are sites that offer the ISEE preparation test to guide you with the questions. The same goes for LSAT preparation. Law school is hard and the books are too expensive, but with the help of online education, it would be less of a hassle than it would be.

Diverse people are also nesting in the Internet pages and if you have doubts, the possibility that you run into an expert who can solve your doubts is very great. That is additional knowledge for you. And because online is manipulated through computers, which seemed to have a mind of their own, we won’t have a hard time scanning each page, unlike books, we first have to check the table of contents page before we can find exactly what we are looking for. by. The Internet already does that for you, scanning the pages to provide you with relevant options according to what you requested.

The problem with online education is that there are too many sources available. Because there are so many, conflicting and confusing ideas can arise and you may find it hard to decide which source is trustworthy and which one is just there to give you a headache. With all the advantages of the computer, the responsibility for how we should allow the information it provides to penetrate our minds lies in our hands. Not everything that the computer feeds us is real.

The world is changing and we will never know what invention can dethrone computers. Or will there ever be a new invention to look forward to. It doesn’t matter though. The important thing is that we learn. Today, it is online education. Tomorrow, let’s wait and see.

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