Dharma – The Universal Law of Morality

Morality is one of the most important characteristics of the human being. Morality is like autonomous codes of conduct for humanity. No animal, except the human being, follows any morality, since all are governed by their instinct. The greatest achievements of the human race have been to rise above instinct and formulate principles that put the collective good of humanity before individual benefits for the individual. These principles are often referred to as Morality.

Morality is often defined as a person’s ability to distinguish between right and wrong or right and wrong. A moral man follows the path of good and justice. The system for determining right and wrong can be established by some authority, such as a church, an organization, a society, a government, or by the individual himself. So logically the moral codes must be different for each society, religion or even individual. Therefore, many people consider morality to be individualistic and based on time and society. It is often argued that there can be no universal principles of morality.

Recently, at a forum hosted by evangelical pastor Rick Warren, Barack Obama cited his youthful experimentation with drugs and John McCain pointed to his failed first marriage as his greatest moral failings. Obama also said that one of the country’s greatest moral failings is related to his treatment of the poor. McCain said the nation’s greatest moral deficiency is its inability to “devote ourselves to causes greater than our own interests.”

The moral failings of the individual and the nation, as declared by the presidential candidates of the most powerful and modern nation in the world, are not local but truly universal. No society can define these actions as moral.

Therefore, there may be some differences in the body of morality that is often codified in law books, but the essence or soul of morality is the same in all societies and individuals.

Morality and Legality

People often confuse morality with legality. They believe that observance of the laws of society is enough to be moral. This may not always be true. For example, if a society allows divorce or polygamy, or legalizes extramarital relationships, it is perfectly legal to leave a spouse or have a relationship with multiple partners. However, the same action cannot be said to be moral, since McCain accepted her failed marriage as her greatest moral failing.

In the same way, even if national laws allow the accumulation of private wealth without any limits, it can be a sin to accumulate great wealth when a large number of people remain poor. It may be perfectly legal to promote self-interest by the following legal paths which may not necessarily be in the interest of the country, however, the same action is considered immoral by society if the benefit to individuals is not shared by society

Thus, morality and legality are often at odds with each other. In all ages, people defy laws on moral grounds and change society. Christ defied many Old Testament principles such as the “eye for an eye policy” that even cost him his life. The action of the Christ was illegal as judged by the State and the State was perfectly legal in hanging him. However, in reality it was Christ who was morally correct in speaking of the universal principle of love and the state was morally wrong in executing it.

All the great people in history violated the laws of the land for the sake of higher moral principles. These moral principles are not different but the same in all societies at all times. They were discovered many thousands of years ago and will continue to guide humanity on the right path in all times to come. What are these eternal moral principles?

Dharma: the universal principles of morality

Wikipedia defines Dharma as an Indian spiritual and religious term meaning one’s righteous duty, or any virtuous path in the common sense of the term. Throughout Indian philosophy, Dharma is present as a central concept used to explain the “higher truth” or ultimate reality of the universe. Dharma (Dhama) is also the guiding principle of Buddhism.

The word dharma literally translates as “that which upholds or supports” (from the root Dhr, to uphold), and is usually translated into English as “law.” He has governed ideas about the proper conduct of life, ideas that are upheld by the laws of the universe. However, these laws are such that they can never be reproduced in words in law books. They must be understood intuitively.

Hinduism is one of the rarest religions that is not based on any “book” or “scripture” but on the Dharma. Although there are numerous books that form the basis of Hinduism, in reality, Hinduism is nothing more than the observance of these universal principles of morality. A devout Hindu can ignore any scripture if it is contrary to dharma.

The benefit of making a society based on dharma, the unwritten principles of morality, is that whoever follows dharma is actually religious in all religions. Thus, a devout Hindu like Gandhi was more Christian than most Christians, since he followed the Dharma that had always been in accordance with what was revealed by Jesus Christ. He said,

“I like your Christ, I don’t like your Christians. Your Christians are so different from your Christ.”

Thus, Gandhi was a Christian not by birth but by fact, since he followed the eternal principles of the Dharma. All spiritual people, in fact, follow the Dharma life even if they don’t know what Dharma is. What are these Dharma principles?

10 Principles of Universal Morality

Dharma has to be understood intuitively by listening to the voice of the aware. It is difficult to reproduce these principles in words. No Hindu scripture defined these universal principles except Patanjali’s Yogashastra (The Book of Yoga). Yoga defines 10 principles called yam (to do) and niyam (not to do) that summarize these moral principles. These ten principles are often called the ten commandments of Hinduism. However, unlike other scriptures, they are not religious or relevant to any specific God or religion. These 10 principles are

1. Ahimsa: Non-violence, that is, not causing pain to anyone through speech, action and mind.

2. Satya: always tell the truth

3. Asteya: altruism, that is, not being attracted by the wealth of others

4. Aparigraha: Avoid unnecessary accumulation of luxuries or attachment to collections.

5. Brahmacharya: Follow the natural discipline of the body, mind and senses.

6. Sauch – cleansing of the body, mind and soul

7. Santosh: Satisfaction in all aspects of life.

8. Tap: To bear all pains and injuries bravely and not be affected by them.

9. Swadhayay: Self-learning or self-realization

10. Samarpan: Surrender to the Supreme or Creator

Hinduism, which is also called the sanatana (eternal) religion, regards these 10 principles as universal. Yoga, which means Union of the Self with the Supreme, is now universally accepted by people of all religions to live a healthy and happy life. It is also evident that prayer to a specific God is not contemplated as one of the principles of Yoga, although it is not prohibited. Most of these principles are also mentioned in other religions in different ways.

Let morality take precedence over man-made laws

Dharma is the supreme law of the universe. It has been codified in different religions, however it should be understood only through intuition and experience. For example, the killing of animals is permitted in many religions and is even considered an essential part of the religion. However, the dharma can never allow it, which makes non-violence the first principle of universal morality. Jesus’ sermon on turning the other cheek is the best example of the observance of such a principle in Christianity.

The accumulation of wealth also goes against these principles of morality that are considered legal and proper in most societies. However, we know from experience that the accumulation of wealth always breeds contempt and hatred in others, as it contradicts dharma. It is for this reason that dispossessed humanity punishes over and over again the accumulator of wealth and brings equality and justice in society.

A careful study of these ten universal principles of morality clearly reveals that one leads a happy life by following these principles. If one lives life contrary to these principles, one may get instant pleasure for some time, but suffer disproportionate pain in the latter part of one’s life. Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States and the main author of the Declaration of Independence explained the universality of these moral principles are explained by Thomas Jefferson

I have never done, nor approved, in public life, a single act incompatible with the strictest good faith; never having believed that there was one code of morality for a public and another for a private man”

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