Can hemorrhoids cause abdominal pain and swelling?

Abdominal pain or bloating is usually not a direct result of hemorrhoids. However, some of the things that CAUSE hemorrhoids, including constipation, and intestinal problems, including excess gas or diarrhea, can cause abdominal pain and bloating.

At the end of this article, I will try to give you an idea of ​​why your abdominal symptoms may not be caused by hemorrhoids specifically, but instead may be a side effect of whatever caused your hemorrhoids.

Well, for starters, let’s talk a little bit about your hemorrhoids and this feeling of abdominal pain or bloating.

Hemorrhoids and abdominals pain and swelling

I decided to write this article since many people will associate abdominal pain with their hemorrhoids when in most cases this is not the case and we will discuss it.

The reason why people think this is that some of the main causes of hemorrhoids are constipation or eating certain foods that irritate the anal area and cause hemorrhoids.

Sure, constipation can cause abdominal pain, and eating certain foods can be to blame for feeling bloated.

However, I am assuming that you have come here because you are suffering from abdominal pain or bloating, so let’s discuss the reasons why you might have these symptoms and their possible causes. I highly doubt they are caused by your hemorrhoids.

Here are 3 of the most common causes of abdominal pain or bloating.

1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, also called IBS, is more common in women. No one really knows what causes IBS, but symptoms often include constipation (or diarrhea). You can also get abdominal cramps and swelling. To treat IBS, along with various medications, you also need to change your diet and I would even go so far as to say you need to change your lifestyle in general.

One problem with IBS is that the symptoms often come and go. They have been known to last for weeks or even months, which can really get you down, especially if you are also dealing with the pain of hemorrhoids at the same time.

Here’s how to alleviate IBS symptoms and also alleviate hemorrhoids, or better yet, never get them in the first place…

exercise a lot

Keep a journal and write down the foods that make them worse.

Relax as much as possible. Stress is bad.

Try probiotics for a few weeks.

Homemade food with natural ingredients will help both abdominal problems and hemorrhoids

In addition to these, try to AVOID these things.

Eat slowly and don’t skip meals

Fatty or spicy foods are bad for IBS and also bad for hemorrhoids – keep it to a minimum

Limit your intake of fresh fruit to about 240 grams a day

DRINKS – Limit tea or coffee to around 3 total per day and keep alcoholic or fizzy drinks to a minimum.

2. The biggest enemies of hemorrhoids: constipation and diarrhea

Hemorrhoids do not like constipation and diarrhea.

When constipated, you push harder to pass stool. So what happens is that the anal and rectal veins swell. And when they swell up, you are now the proud owner of the hemorrhoids, often known as piles.

Basically, sorry to be crude, but they’re a varicose vein in the ass. They come in two types. Number 1 is an external hemorrhoid, these are on the outside of the anus. Internal hemorrhoids are in the anal or rectal linings

Avoiding constipation and diarrhea will help relieve abdominal discomfort, bloating, and flatulence (farting), as well as help relieve hemorrhoids.

Here are some ideas…

Stay regular by eating porridge

Flaxseeds are very good, eat about a tablespoon daily if possible.

Avoid Products Containing Sorbitol

Foods like Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, dried fruit, onions, and beans are hard to digest and cause bloating and gas. AVOID THEM

Buscopan (from a pharmacy) relieves stomach cramps and that feeling of bloating

Don’t eat too many high-fiber foods, such as whole grain foods, whole wheat bread, and nuts.

Diarrhea can really upset the hemorrhoids in addition to causing abdominal pain. Medications like Loperamide (better known as Imodium will help)

3.Flatulence or gases, also known as farting

What is flatulence?

Flatulence, or farting as it is better known, is the release of gas from your digestive system and out through your anus. It is caused by gas buildup within your digestive system. Although it can be embarrassing, it is completely natural.

Gas accumulates in a couple of ways. The first is when you eat or drink, you can swallow air. This causes two gases, oxygen and nitrogen, to build up in the digestive system. Second, other gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide also increase as food is digested, causing flatulence (gas). Any form of gas production can cause flatulence, stomach pain, and bloating.

What causes flatulence?

The main cause is eating various foods that take a long time to digest. These foods include apples, plums, lentils, beans, broccoli, cabbage, prunes, fruit juices. Anything containing Sorbitol should also be avoided.

The one thing all of the above foods have in common is that they take a long time to digest, which is why farts smell so bad since the food has been stuck in your system for a long time. The body cannot absorb these foods, so they pass from the intestines to the colon, when they have not been properly digested. The colon contains bacteria that breaks down food, but unfortunately, doing so releases gas. It is all these gases that accumulate in the digestive system that cause abdominal pain, bloating and, of course, gas.

In conclusion

While we can safely say that, as a rule, hemorrhoids do not normally cause abdominal pain or bloating, some of the real CAUSES of HEMORRHOIDS, such as constipation, diarrhea, or eating the wrong kinds of food, can cause these problems. ABS.

I hope this has answered the question reasonably well and I hope your hemorrhoids go away soon.

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