Beef stew for heart attack patients

I had a heart attack a couple of months ago, which required triple bypass surgery. Being a widower, I make all my own cooking. This wake-up call made me reevaluate my eating habits. So instead of the junk food I was living with, I now want to eat delicious, heart-healthy foods that are easy to prepare. If they’re going to last more than one meal, that’s a plus I like.

Quite frankly, my beef stew is not only heart-healthy and oh-so-delicious, but it’s also super easy to make.

And you can freeze it in individual servings to thaw in the microwave and enjoy anytime you want a quick, easy, and satisfying meal. Just add a couple slices of whole wheat bread and you’re good to go.

While my beef stew is easy to make, it does take some time. So allow around 3 hours or so of cooking time. I start my stew at 2:00 to enjoy it at 5:00 for lunch.

I look at the stewed beef chunks at the local supermarket trying to buy a package that looks as lean as possible. I then use a paring knife and carving board to cut any bits of anything but meat. This includes fat, cartilage, etc. I cut the pieces into smaller pieces about the size of the last joint of my thumb.

I use a large pot that has a lid and fill it 1/3 full with hot tap water. I put the pieces of meat, put the lid on and put it on the stove at ¾ heat. Keep an eye on it for the next 15 minutes or so, and if it shows signs of boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer with the lid on. At this time (after 15 minutes of boiling), use a spoon to scoop up any fats that have boiled off and risen to the surface. Beef fat isn’t heart-healthy, but beef itself is.

After about 2 1/4 hours of boiling (stirring occasionally), start preparing the vegetables. Peel 2 to 3 medium-sized white potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Add to the jug. Peel and slice a medium cooking onion and place in the pot along with a package of sliced ​​brown mushrooms. Add any other vegetables you like. I like to cut 4 stalks of celery, open a small can of kidney beans, take frozen wax beans, and cut up a couple of carrots. They go to the pot.

Bring the heat back up to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, as before. Leave the lid on.

At this time, I add spices… but NO SALT!

I like to use a little minced garlic (bottled…no prep required), ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, ground vegetable seasoning, dried parsley, and rosemary.

Finish cooking until the potatoes can be easily pierced with a fork, then remove the pot from the heat.

If there’s a lot of liquid left, I don’t want to throw it away because it contains all kinds of nutritious ingredients, so I add a little flour to thicken it up.

I eat what I want for dinner (usually too much) and freeze the rest in individual size Tupperware containers.

That way, all I have to do is put the bowl in the microwave for 1 minute, so it loosens up and I can easily dump it into a bowl. I microwave the bowl for an additional 4 minutes to defrost and warm the stew. Then to the table to enjoy eating more.

Ah, yes… while the stew is cooking I prepare a jelly pudding… one of those that don’t have sugar. I make it with skim milk for a heart-healthy dessert that perfectly complements the stew.

Enjoy your meal!

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