A review of the book "Run fast" by Hal Higdon

The publication Run Fast: How to Beat Your Top Time- Every time, written by Hal Higdon is undoubtedly an enlightening publication loaded with speech marks that originate from Higdon’s work experience as a runner. That said, this is not the most beneficial book for specialized marathon athletes, however, if you are a beginner or more advanced runner who is training for a half marathon, or any other competition, this guide may be of interest to you.

For those who have had the benefit of a training mentor who actually teaches them all the proper running techniques and actions, this booklet can go a long way in revitalizing everything they already know about mile jogging.

However, for people who have not purchased their own personal trainer, Jog Fast is an excellent substitute. You can actually benefit a lot from this guide in case you have little idea of ​​how to start your half marathon training. This post is like the beginner’s guide to mileage training – it explains all kinds of vocabulary about running and jogging, so you won’t miss the details.

The paperback’s main school of thought is that you can conquer your jogging finest, on any occasion. That means you jog faster with every training session you do. How do Hal Higdon’s techniques do that? The publication offers a comprehensive program (for beginners at least) that focuses on three facets: speeding up the pace, improving race times, and improving driving. These three goals combine, naturally – driving can help you keep increasing your speed, increasing your times.

Let’s stop discussing philosophy, why don’t we navigate to the actual operations explored in the book? The regular program has a very intense running schedule. It is actually very physically demanding, which is actually a warning to many beginners. One reviewer in particular claims that when he started the paperback education, “it felt like they had cinder blocks tied to my legs,” but he eventually observed that the courses were fun. A weekly training routine is made up of:

* 2 easy runs, plus extra stretching or strength work on those days

* 1 mileage jog

* 1 speed effort workout

* 2 tempo runs

As you can see, it’s a lot of work to get done, and you may not be able to get it done on time, especially when you’re employed. But that may be what the book points to: tranquility in your training through inspiration and self-discipline, despite the intense schedule.

While Hal Higdon says he recommends safe sprinting, his methods don’t exactly promote this approach. With increased mileage, Higdon’s “Run Fast” programs increase the risk of accidental marathon-related injuries. Plan ahead for that.

All in all, Hal Higdon’s Run Fast: How to Conquer Your Best Time- Every time is a wonderful book for both beginners and mid-range marathoners alike. What makes it special is always that it turns out to be an inspired manual: it follows facts from the precious memory of a world-renowned racer. Not only does it aim to increase the pace in marathon races, but it also instructs on self-control and ways to stay motivated.

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