3 important life skills to teach your children during confinement

Parents all over the world enjoy and struggle with all this time spent with their children at home due to the current closure. As long as your family is safe and sound, there is really nothing to worry about. Use this precious time to further strengthen the bond between you and your little ones. It is also the perfect time to teach them valuable lessons; Here are some important life skills to teach your children during a confinement:

Budget money

It is never too early to teach children about money and the value of saving. Even the youngest can also be socially responsible. Teach them the concept of “needs” and “wants.” Assure them that, for now, you will provide everything they need, from food, shelter, clothing to education and other basic necessities.

But if there is something they want to have, for example a new toy or gadget, they would have to save money for it. They can save money for birthdays and Christmas, or doing housework.

First aid

Knowing how to do basic first aid is a life skill that everyone should have. It could save a life one day. You can start by taking out all the items in your first aid kit and teaching your kids what each one is for and how to use it. Give them some possible scenarios in which they will need to give first aid, such as a broken ankle, a cut, an allergic reaction, etc. Explain what should be done in each situation and what kit items will be needed.

Watching some first aid instructional videos together can go a long way.


Cooking is another very important life skill. Being able to cook for yourself and your family is a feat that should never be underestimated. Cooking together also makes for a fun family activity!

Start by letting your kids watch you make an easy meal; Show them the tools and ingredients you will use to cook such food. Give them easy tasks like taking the butter out of the refrigerator, whisking the eggs, or rinsing the vegetables.

Next time, you can prepare the same meal with your guide. The same goes for baking! And don’t forget to teach your little ones about food, fire, and even knife safety!

Make the most of this free time when all your children are at home; Teach your kids these 3 important life skills.

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