Your Must-Have Guide to Buying a Paintball Mask

Of all the major pieces of paintball protective gear you’ll need, probably the most important is your face mask. When paintballs can travel at speeds of 200 feet per second or more, getting hit to the head or face without protection is not one of the first things one would want to do. This article will discuss a little about the paintball mask.

The main job of the mask is, obviously, to protect your face. Most of those available today cover the entire face and ears; However, there are some brave souls who only prefer to wear goggles that only protect their eyes.

However, glasses provide a false sense of security, as they are not made to block paintballs. A regulatory paintball protection mask is tailored to DOT safety standards, being able to absorb direct shots to the face regardless of the distance fired.

When looking for a mask, remember that they are available in different materials, from rubber, plastic, and foam. This difference in material can make a difference. It’s also probably a better idea to buy one up front rather than rent one. You will need to make sure to try on several and choose the most comfortable one, making sure you can see through it clearly, as your enjoyment of the game will be greatly enhanced. The lens of the mask is very important, so don’t overlook this feature. Make sure it’s comfortable.

In most cases, paintball masks have thermal or non-thermal lenses or are anti-fog to resist fog. Anti-fog lenses do not need an anti-fog agent to work properly and are a great option.

Another thing to consider with a paintball mask is the type of foam used. Some are more comfortable than others. A “Vforce Armor” is a type of foam known as neoprene. It is a very good material to use, but the downside is that it can be a bit uncomfortable. Two other considerations are the “Vforce Shield” and the Vforce Profiler, “which is a type of foam that you might think of as the” memory foam “found in those expensive mattresses and pillows.

Finally, style can of course drive up the price of your mask, even though the materials are the same as a cheaper one. This is a consideration, so choose wisely between a good balance of material and style.

As you can see, there are a few things to think about when choosing the right paintball protective gear, especially the paintball mask. Don’t skimp on this important team.

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