Why should you plant a food garden?

With the same size as a double bed, you can feed your family with organically grown fresh vegetables every day in just a few months. If you have some property in your backyard or live in the city and only have a single bed to spare, it’s easier than you think.

Today, people can get everything they need to start a food garden that fits on an apartment balcony. Containers can be purchased that can drain the soil as needed, or even the quality of the created soil can be tested with very precise measurements.

For less than $50 you can buy potting soil and containers, with a few dollars spent on seeds, you will be able to feed your family after a few months. You will gain much more than good health from the improved efficiency of your metabolism and the way your body detoxifies. Hopefully, you’ll also discover that ‘connection’ that created our bodies millions of years ago.

Our digestion is not designed to digest organic, unprocessed food, even 100 years after the invention of junk and processed food, we still don’t see any adaptation to our ability to resist these toxic onslaughts that go through us every day. When we put our hands on the ground there is a chance that we can find that ‘connection’ with our creator.

There’s a reciprocity you can feel, even though it may take a few months of eating organic food, you’ll feel like there’s more to it than just growing a carrot or potato in your food garden. No matter how good or bad it feels to see something you are responsible for grow, you will know deep down that you are making that ‘connection’.

Whether you believe in the Bible or not, the Garden of Eden metaphor is something we can scientifically prove. Any contemporary dietitian or nutritionist will tell you to stay away from processed foods and eat organic foods that are free of toxins.

The Paleo Diet based on “The Primal Blueprint” written by Mark Sisson has been extensively researched showing that our genetic ability to handle processed foods is not improving. The highly processed foods we eat every day have now been shown to cause diseases like cancer and diabetes that are increasing every year at an alarming rate, with diabetes now the fastest growing disease on the planet.

The only solution is to do something about it so that we can ‘connect’ with the reason the creator put us here in the first place. Our genetic predisposition when it comes to eating correctly gives us greater efficiency when it comes to consuming organic food and health as a result is evident.

The basic foundation on which our body began to evolve over millions of years is based on eating food that our body was originally designed for. The same can be applied to treating a new car exactly as specified by the manufacturer.

A car will last much longer if treated correctly, a healthy car will outlive any battered car that is not healthy. If the car is treated correctly as indicated by the manufacturers, it will last much longer than not taking care of it.

If we follow the instructions indicated by our creator based on solid research on the best foods to eat. With all the cutting edge science available to us we still can’t find a better way to nourish ourselves than by eating organically grown food as directed by our creator. Science has yet to find a better way to feed us.

The creation of a garden should be the topic of conversation at every table in the world. It starts with education and knowing that this ‘connection’ is possible simply by eating in the most efficient way because we are what we eat.

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