Why is DISCIPLINE needed to overcome the pandemic?

Instead of articulating a shifting narrative, accusing your political opponents of hoax/fake news, continuing to articulate denials/doubts, disagreeing with public health experts (for apparent personal/political advantage), etc., wouldn’t it be health, and good? – being one of our citizens, to be, better – served, if this President proceeded, with the DISCIPLINE, to address this horrible pandemic, in realistic terms, in a timely and well-considered manner. When the population of the United States represents less than 5% of the world, and both our number of cases and deaths exceed 20%, to date, it is very difficult to agree with Donald Trump’s self-assessment. , claiming that he has saved millions of lives, and would give himself, a 10 out of 10and/or, a, A+! With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. deepen; discover; ride: Rather than simply proceed using overly simplistic processes and procedures, a crisis requires the ability and willingness to delve into options and alternatives to discover the best way forward. A leader must be ready, willing, and able to drive the best process, forward, in a responsible, relevant, and well-considered way!

two. Integrity: Instead of taking the path of least resistance and/or shadowing – the – truth, for personal gain, etc., citizens benefit when a leader consistently proceeds with the highest degree of genuine and absolute integrity.

3. Sustainable; survivor; stronger: How many more must be infected and/or die because our President refuses to face – the – facts and listen to public health experts, instead considering himself smarter and a genius? steady? Studies show, for example, if we had a national mask policy, it would reduce the infection rate dramatically! Instead of populist and politically focused rhetoric/declarations/promises/predictions, we need a well considered and sustainable policy to strengthen us and improve our survival rate!

Four. Character; coordinator; to create: Seriously, consider someone’s quality of character, willingness to coordinate and unify, and ability to create, the best way to go!

5. Ideas: We have had too many blames and complaints, and not enough quality, well-considered ideas, to get us through this pandemic, etc!

6. priorities; planning; public health; patience; populist; playing politics We deserve better than playing politics, with our lives! This president enjoys making what he sees as populist statements, instead of taking the time to emphasize public health priorities, etc! Only when planning and patience are the emphasis, will the health and well-being of our nation benefit!

7. Listen; to learn; leadership: Donald Trump often claims that he is the smartest person in the room and does not effectively listen to experts or learn the best options and alternatives to make the best decisions!

8. Imagination; innovate: It takes a well-developed and relevant imagination, combined with a willingness to innovate, rather than relying on the same old, same old, to better manage a pandemic!

9. Requirements: The public health needs of our citizens must be the highest priority, and not doing so, or procrastinating, often has undesirable ramifications!

10 Empathy; emphasis; energy / energize; Excellence; endurance: Leaders need genuine empathy and aligning their emphasis with introducing the most lasting solution! Your personal energy must energize the citizens, to work together. for the greater good! Also, it takes patience and stamina to look at the big picture. and the greater good!

When we choose leaders, we need to choose individuals, with emphasis and DISCIPLINE, prioritize doing what is right, and what is best, rather than what is convenient, political, or populist! How many more must suffer before a national quality system is introduced and emphasized?

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