What is the purpose of sweating, you suddenly wondered. She has been doing all kinds of physical activities throughout his life, where he was sweating all the time. Why is this happening and what does it mean?

Surprisingly, the human body is made up of 60% water. It’s actually between 55-78% water, depending on age, body size, and gender. Our blood is about 83% water, for the most part, used to deliver various nutrients, oxygen, and other vital substances to the cells that reside within our bodies. The blood also works to remove unwanted metabolic waste.

Water itself is a critical component that contributes greatly to the cooling systems of human bodies; this is achieved through the evaporation of sweat. Through the electrolyte components of water, the functions of the muscles and nerves, along with the balance of blood acid and fluids in the cells, are composed and well regulated. The human body also regulates all levels of substances (minerals, electrolytes, and trace elements); and some are eliminated naturally through sweat.

What is the purpose of sweating? The main purpose of sweating is the regulation of body temperature. Sweat is the medium that transfers heat from inside the body and out through the skin, released by evaporation into the air. Rigorous exercise inside a naturally warm room has significant effects on sweating and the amounts that are shed, resulting in the neutralization of more electrolytes and minerals (dehydration).

Healthy diets that emphasize water intake may be enough for most people to maintain adequate intake of electrolytes and minerals. However, if excessive sweating causes you to feel some symptoms during or after a physical activity session, then you should make sure to consume or increase your daily water intake. Some of the symptoms include excessive thirst, headache and fatigue, dry mouth (that sticky saliva feeling), instances of decreased urination, dizziness, and muscle weakness.

It should be noted that there is an obvious difference between sweating and having body odor. Sweating itself does not introduce body odor. The odor that appears to come from sweating is a direct result of bacteria that thrive on the skin and interact with sweat.

A regular bath with soap and water helps significantly reduce the bacteria that thrive on the skin. It also means that it can neutralize most of the body odors emitted. One of the common odors that some people give off through sweat after some vigorous exercise regimens would be the smell of ammonia. Ammonia is, in fact, one of the natural components of sweat, but it is usually diluted and hardly noticeable.

However, a strong ammonia odor can be indicative of high-protein diets. In this case, it would be wise to balance such diets with an increase in low-glycemic carbohydrates (fruits for the most part, whole grains, vegetables, some starchy vegetables). Strong and persistent odors of ammonia over time can also complicate liver function; indicating the need to make an appointment with your doctor.

So what is the purpose of sweating? Just think of it as flushing out all those natural metabolic byproducts that are considered waste products. So sweating is a good thing as it benefits the body and the skin in a healthy way to eliminate natural toxins that result from the functions of the body’s own cells.

So the next time you sweat, even if you feel like you don’t look attractive, recognize that you’re experiencing a healthy cleansing and heat-reducing function; and be glad you have the ability to sweat.

Notice: The article you are reading is for your personal edification. The information contained therein is for educational purposes only and should not be used in place of proper medical advice, nor is it intended to treat, diagnose or cure any ailment. A properly licensed medical professional should always be sought to answer any questions or provide treatment. As always, check with your doctor before starting any new regimen.

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