Staying warm in Christchurch this winter

The Christchurch earthquakes brought much destruction and devastation to the city, but through the frustrations of working with insurance companies and the New Zealand earthquake commission, many people are finding new opportunities with payouts that allow them to build their own home. their dreams or make renovations to their existing property that they would not have been able to do otherwise.

Home heating in Canterbury

In the center of the South Island, at the bottom of the world, Christchurch gets remarkably cold in winter. Heating is a major issue in the city and has been for decades. Wood burning stoves and open fires play a significant role in air pollution in Christchurch and other Canterbury cities. The National Environmental Standards have established an ‘Air Plan’ that determines what type of heating can be installed and used in the home. Open fires have been banned between April and September each year within the Central Christchurch suburbs towards Harewood, Burwood, Belfast and Port Hills. In areas like Rangiora and Kaiapoi, you’ll need a resource consent if you want to install a wood stove in a reconstructed house. These consents are an expensive exercise and there is no guarantee that approval will be given. However, pellet burners that have been approved by Environment Canterbury are given the green light to be installed in a new home around these regions without resource consent.

Talk to your new home builder about cheaper and effective heating solution alternatives to open fires and the best way to stay warm in Christchurch this winter.


The most important aspect of any heating system is not the heater itself, but the insulation inside the house. A well-insulated house will hold heat in better and will allow you to use HIVAC and ventilation systems to distribute heat throughout the house economically.

heat pumps

Heat pumps are one of the most efficient ways to heat the home. Costing just $10 – $15 a week, they are inexpensive to operate with enough unit to service your entire home. Most landlords consider heat pumps the best heating system for rental properties in the city; With affordable running costs and the ability to regulate air temperatures year-round, the benefits of a heat pump are obvious. They also do not require a resource consent,

LPG heaters

LPG heaters are effective, fast and controllable. They do not require a power outlet to work, but their cost depends on the price of filling the gas bottle. LPG heaters burn clean and pose few environmental risks, but they are not as cost effective as heat pumps and generally only heat one room at a time effectively.

Build your home with heating and energy efficiency in mind to survive the Christchurch winter this year. Also consider ventilation, insulation and room layouts: the more central your living room is and the easier it is for air to flow throughout the house, the less you’ll need to spend on heating.

Talk to your builder and architect about designing the perfect home to weather the cold.

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