Six Spiritual Tips for Busy Moms!

I’m sitting here at my desk with a glass of wine and a packet of chips. Ok, so it’s red wine, and it’s French fries that claim to be healthy, but you get the picture. It is also late and my son is lying in bed fast asleep. He is now five years old. I usually like to write in the evenings, but as a rule, by seven o’clock, when I put him to bed, I am completely exhausted. I run a business and practice from home, so I work all day while he’s at school. By the time it’s bedtime, I could easily pass out next to him. But here I am, 2 hours after his bedtime, fresh as a margarita and feeling creative and awake. So what happened?

Well, instead of flaking in front of the television, I registered with my energy. If you’ve read any of my other writings, you may already know that I practice something called “energy awareness.” Basically, it’s about developing my conscience so that I can recognize what I have to do and when to order myself. It is simple, but requires some effort.

Tonight I had two options: to let myself be carried away by the flow of my body, to become one with the couch and to tell myself that it’s okay that I should be so tired, after all, what a hard day I’ve had. Or I could hear my energy, the voice of my spirit, asking me to do something to get up and feel bright again. Because the night is still young! Obviously, the first option, the sofa, was the one that pulled the most. But, if you practice this called living with intention, that is, living being guided by your spirit instead of your head, after a while you generate enough energy to kick the butt of your suffering and do something constructive instead. Of course, some nights the couch wins. And that’s okay too. But tonight, it was one to zero for my spirit.

I pulled out my stinky old yoga mat, which is enjoying a comeback, and did 15 minutes of intense dynamic yoga, followed by a few slower and more meditative ones. weaves (energy awareness techniques) for about 10 minutes. Then I got in the shower, put on sexy underwear, applied makeup, and came to my computer feeling 100% energized. And happy. Now i dont generally Doing the dressing thing after putting my son to bed, but tonight it made a difference in my energy. And that’s what I try to do. I do things that make my energy go up, instead of down. So tonight, I managed to shift my energy, resulting in an article (this one!) And some time to relax and watch TV with my lover.

Being a mother is hard work, without a doubt. But you have to take care of its own energy, otherwise it will wither and dry out. Too often we put children first and end up ragged and exhausted. It doesn’t help that it is socially and culturally unacceptable to put ourselves first. But I say it’s not only okay to put yourself first, it is absolutely necessary. If you are in a mess, then you really won’t be able to give your child much energy. Not to mention your partner (or potential partners!). So moms, here are some simple ways you can have a little more energy, without having to hire a babysitter and hit the gym 3 times a week … (great if you’ve already made it, but I never did! I did it!).

Tip No. Happy Mom # 1: Power Up

Learn the sun salutation. It is a simple set of flowing yoga poses, giving you instant energy. The thought of doing a full yoga session can be overwhelming, but a burst of sun salutation is easy to do. And just 10 minutes a day build strength and flexibility. There are different styles, but if you need instant power and energy, go for the Ashtanga style. You may need to attend a couple of classes to learn it properly, but once you’ve nailed it, it will be your friend for life.

I recommend getting a yoga mat if you don’t already have one. For whatever reason, it makes you feel more motivated. And it is also safer.

Tip for happy mom n. # 2: enter the zone

After your sun salutation, try sitting for 5 minutes feeling your breath on the tip of your nose. Much of our energy is spent on incessant thoughts! What happened yesterday, what we will say to that person tomorrow: It is rare that our minds are happily occupied in the present moment. Although it requires some concentration, paying attention again to feeling the breath at the tip of your nose will make your energy light up. And you will begin to feel more than you need to do. Or say. Or don’t say! It is a very simple but powerful meditation. And it can be done anytime, anywhere.

Tip for happy mom n. 3: Don’t fix the solution

Avoid refined sugar and corn syrup. I know it’s boring and everyone says it, but it makes a BIG difference to your energy levels. Instead, develop a taste for 85% organic chocolate, ideally with unrefined cane sugar. It’s good for your happiness and it won’t wipe you out like other sweet things do.

Happy Mom Tip No. 4: reload

There are some cute little products that are made to bring you more energy. But what works for one does not necessarily work for another, so be wise. Before learning to develop my energy awareness, I used a pendulum, which I found very useful in testing what was correct for I. Learning to use a pendulum is easy and fun and can serve you well throughout your journey – and it’s fast!

Tip for happy mom n. 5: feed your spirit

This tip is almost the last because it is the most difficult. When your life is full of babies / toddlers, preparing dinners and changing diapers, it is very easy to forget what it is that makes you feel satisfied. Remember what you are passionate about and make sure that each week you have some time dedicated to that cause, even if it is only 20 minutes. It will help you stay sane and that will have a positive effect on those around you.

Happy Mom Tip No. 6: be happy, be beautiful

Take some time for yourself. Easy to say but difficult to do. But just half an hour of “your time” after putting the kids to bed is enough to regain some energy. With the tips above, you can transform yourself from a worn-out wreck into the super sexy, ornate, super sexy mom. And your life will reflect this new level of energy ten times. Go shine moms, your inner glow is always there, waiting for you to reveal it to the world …

With much love and more

The Everyday Alchemist (TM)

© Natalie Fee 2009: This document and its contents may not be copied or reproduced without the permission of the authors.

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