Premature Ejaculation, Solving the Problem – Part 1

Premature ejaculation is not life-threatening and does not prevent conception. Therefore, it receives little attention in the public and medical literature. However, it is widely accepted that it is the most common form of male sexual dysfunction. This is the first in a series of articles on “coming too fast”.

What options do men have when suffering from premature ejaculation?

Option 1. They may explore the Internet, magazines or sex shops in search of an answer. Unfortunately, men have taken advantage of scam “cures” sold at outrageous prices. These men who simply want to enhance their sexual experience and provide more satisfying experiences for their partners have fallen prey to unscrupulous and uncredentialed ‘entrepreneurs’. They have been exploited by broken promises that useless sprays, lotions, creams, vitamins, herbs, dietary supplements and techniques will solve their problem. When these tricks fail, men feel frustrated, angry, and worse, hopeless of finding a solution. Which is even worse than taking your money.

Option 2. They may resort to medications that can delay ejaculation. Antidepressants are the most used. While about 1/3 of men respond, they must continue to take the drug indefinitely, and there are many potential side effects, some extremely dangerous. Aggression and suicide are the most serious, and occur most often in young people, the same group that is most likely to have this problem. Unfortunately, more doctors are prescribing these drugs in large part because they don’t have time in their busy practices to address the problem in any other way.

Today, a new threat lurks on the horizon.

A new drug is in clinical trials in the US and Canada. The manufacturer plans to market it specifically for premature ejaculation. They claim that its shorter half-life will eliminate side effects, but that hasn’t been proven. If doctors start prescribing this drug in response to patient demands, the impact will be dramatic, as it estimates the appearance of premature ejaculation. in young men it reaches up to 70%.

When the drug company starts spending millions of dollars on advertising, as it has done with erectile dysfunction, countless young men will start using this drug. Many will never stop. The number of men suffering from premature ejaculation is five times higher than the number of men with erectile dysfunction. One can only imagine the resources that will go into advertising for an audience of this size.

The ultimate tragedy of following either of the two options mentioned above is that the solution to premature ejaculation is found in neither. Premature ejaculation cannot be cured with medication, nor can it be solved with any of the expensive gimmicks offered online.

I am writing this article due to the growing number of websites selling junk, in addition to the growing threat from the widespread use of antidepressants. Men should not be seduced into buying useless products or using potentially harmful medications that do not address the root of the problem. This could give rise to a generation of men dependent on a drug that has been created for the sole purpose of establishing a very profitable market for the pharmaceutical company. If that happens, it would be a monumental tragedy because it is absolutely unnecessary.

In Part 2 of this series, we will look at the third option, the one that experts recognize as the correct approach to solving the problem of premature ejaculation.

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