Past life regression and grievance, death and dying

Today I want to talk about a topic that impacts us all, specifically grief, death and dying in relation to the experience of a past life regression. I think death is something that clearly impacts all of us, we’re not just born knowing that eventually we’re going to have to give up these bodies and move on and die. But we also know that this is going to happen to the people around us, to our loved ones. And grievance is a very difficult thing to deal with in a human way. We love people, we are connected to them and then they have to leave us in physical form. It has been my experience that they continue to be around us, only in spirit form. But we can’t hug them, or see them, or be with them physically. So that separation can be very difficult.

I began doing this spiritual life work and training myself through my own journey of healing my grief after losing my mother when I was very young. So I know firsthand how difficult it is to accept these losses and see the big picture of our existence and the existence of others as well. We’ve talked before about soul mates, that we come here and connect with these other people in physical form. And these connections can be very powerful. As human beings, we crave connection, it’s ingrained in our DNA to want to connect with other people and build these relationships, families.

One of the things that happens during a past life regression is that you get to encounter your own immortality firsthand. Seeing yourself in a different body, or in a different shape, you might even be a different gender, or ethnicity is very powerful. You can literally see that who you are is not your body. And that there is a part of you that exists before life, and therefore will exist after life, can be a very powerful and healing experience. And you may see other people with you in your past lives that you were with before, and they may have already left or transitioned beyond this earthly plane, but seeing them in your past life can help you know that in fact the you will see again .

And so it doesn’t take away from the grievance, we still miss them and wish they were here, but it adds a layer of understanding that there is a spiritual dimension and a realm that exists all around us. And know the truth: our loved ones remain connected to us for many lifetimes. A past life regression can be a powerful vehicle for healing grief related to death, dying, and loss.

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