Natural solution for menstrual irregularities

Gynecological problems today afflict the lives of women much more than a few generations ago. The sex ratio in the workforce worldwide has risen remarkably, with women taking on the burden of both housework and office work. This culminated in many health abnormalities in women, which become more and more complicated as stress increases. Abnormal menstruation is one of them.

Irregularities in menstrual cycles refer to the unusual length of time between two consecutive cycles. Such an abnormality in the duration between cycles can range from 8 to 21 days, which is medically called polymenorrhea. When the stretch is longer than 36 days, the phenomenon is called Oligomenorrhea, which culminates in the woman having fewer cycles in a year. However, the irregular length of time in patients with polymenorrhea is considered “moderate” while a patient with oligomenorrhea is said to have a “very irregular” cycle.

Lifestyle factors such as stress, excessive exercise sessions, eating disorders, smoking, drug addictions, abnormal weight loss or gain, as well as certain medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (small cysts that develop in the ovaries), changes in the hormonal levels of estrogen and progesterone especially during puberty and when approaching menopause, interventions such as abortion, thyroid disorders, etc. are some of the many causes of irregular menstruation. When we are stressed for whatever reason, our adrenal glands secrete the hormone cortisol. Cortisol has a direct impact on human sex hormones causing a hormonal imbalance that leads to menstrual abnormalities in women.

In India, in addition to treatment modalities such as Ayurveda and Unani, there are quite a few home remedies such as a small amount of ginger (adrak) boiled in a cup of water, a few threads of saffron (kesar) boiled in a cup of water and reduced to 1 teaspoon, jaggery (excluding the duration of an ongoing cycle), Aloe Vera mixed with honey, ajwan, turmeric with milk or honey etc. In addition, Ayurvedic solutions encompass the use of Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari), the bark of Saraka indica (Ashoka) and bark of Symplocos racemosa (Lodhra).

Patients suffering from polymenorrhea and oligomenorrhea are essentially counseled by specialists on the do’s and don’ts regarding food intake. The former includes papaya, cinnamon, pomegranate, sesame seeds, etc. The latter, that is, the foods to avoid are junk food, red meat, tamarind, and coffee.

In addition to forms of treatment such as Ayurveda or Unani, irregular menstrual problems can also be solved through the practice of Yoga. Yoga specialists recommend Bhujangasana (cobra positions), Sarvangasana (the shoulder support) and Ardha Chakrasana (the half wheel or back bow pose) as a solution for abnormal menstruation. A regular practice of the Yogas of stretching of the spine, that is, the Bhujangasana and the Paschimothana Asana (the forward bend pose) by women is known to ease labor.

Surgery is rarely resorted to in case of such problems where the patient has structural problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes. In the case of patients with polycystic ovaries, birth control pills are prescribed, while in the case of women who want to conceive, infertility drugs are recommended.

A unique combination of the fundamentals of Ayurveda, Unani and Therapeutic Yoga can effectively treat gynecological problems such as amenorrhea (absence of any cycle for a period of more than 90 days), polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and the like.

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