Modified yoga classes help cope with post-election excitement

The current US elections were brutal. Millions of people around the world hated the result; including myself. Past elections have brought the same disbelief. Many voters couldn’t believe when George W. Bush or Barack Obama were elected. There will always be an election or time period that causes extreme stress. I’m not saying this change is good or bad, but we have to deal with stress, anxiety and fear as aproduct of the current US elections.

Modified yoga helps ease the post-election stress that is bouncing around the world right now. Meditations during class help to stay calm and see that in this present moment nothing else has happened. What has happened is that a candidate has been chosen. The breathing and focus of yoga poses allow the participants to concentrate only on the poses and tasks at hand.

The visualization exercises in the classes help my clients to imagine natural spaces; like water, or mountains where they look and feel calm, at peace, nurtured and protected.

It gives participants moments to connect with the divine energy of this planet and access the wisdom of the earth; which is as old as the earth, to show you the best solutions for what is happening right now on the planet.

This election also shows the great divide that has occurred in the United States and throughout the world. Something has been brewing for a long time. The discomfort is a symptom of what is there. We have a choice; look at the result, and really understand, that a Energy is present at this time, which caused this result. If this electoral result had not occurred, no one would protest the change, no one would have realized the degree of division and dissatisfaction that exists.

People are starting to wonder how this happened and what can I do now. In modified yoga classes and meditations, participants prepare for change by fully focusing on what is good and making a distinction between what is not. whose want. The mind is clear and calm, and that helps to know what to do next. Sometimes there is nothing to do immediately. But there are connections, and there are circles of other people on this planet who want the same results. That connection begins to transform the space of the planet.

In my modified yoga classes, I encourage everyone to stay focused and not let their mind wander. Projection of the future, it is useless. We do not have a future moment at this time. We only have one moment to live at a time. It is what is here and now. Even myself, I have to regain my focus, from any scary projections for the future, I may have. Nothing has happened in the future. Past events have shown us, what they can be. We have to make a decision, take action in this present moment, to make sure that the horrible events of the past never happen again, without our realizing it.

Inversion poses in yoga bring blood to the brain, heart, and lungs. Allows the brain to clear and stimulate itself. I would like to describe a pose that is really useful and is one of my favorites. Put your right foot forward, interlock your toes behind you, or use a strap. Hold the straps by your hips. Lean forward and raise your arms to the sky. Lean your chest or stomach forward over your front quadriceps. It’s challenging and requires concentration, but when you lean your chest on your lead leg, it takes a lot of stress off your shoulders and brings blood to your head.

In a chair, lean your head forward and hold the strap across your back close to your hips or interlock your fingers to raise your arms. You can turn your body to the side if the chair does not have arms. Then lean to the side. That’s one of the poses that help. Modified yoga offers gentle stretching, strength building, and guided meditation to keep you in a present moment, where you can connect, take action, or remain calm and focused.

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