Materials used to build a pet

Have you ever wondered what is used to create those team mascots that jump like crazy and thrill fans with their antics? Well, depending on the inspirational creature they are modeled after, many different materials can be used on the exterior of the mascot, but the initial form is usually made from polyethylene, a type of plastic known for its durability and flexibility. In the past, pets used to be made of fiberglass, which is a heavy and less flexible material, making it impractical after the invention of polyethylene. Today, polyethylene is the most widely used plastic on the planet, thanks to its wide range of uses, including building a strong and durable pet.

In addition to sports team mascots, there are corporate mascots, school mascots, international mascots, organizational mascots, and even municipal mascots for cities and towns. Since there are so many different types of pets, they can be made from many different materials. Paper mache or cardboard is sometimes used to create mascots on a limited budget. These pets may have to be replaced intermittently due to their more fragile construction. The heads of these pets are especially prone to damage and as a result, their appearance may be slightly altered each time they are replaced. Other pets use only a fabric covering, such as fleece, double knit, plush, or spandex in their construction and may be covered with additional materials or serve just that purpose. Occasionally, the mascot simply consists of the human form wearing a costume of some sort, such as a pirate or gladiator.

Some large mascot costumes incorporate a harness system that ties the shell to the performer and keeps it away from the body. The heads of these types of mascot costumes may consist of a hockey-type mask with a chin strap to keep them in place and are covered in a suitable material that matches the rest of the costume.

Since pets come in many shapes and forms, the shell is covered with a wide range of suitable and appropriate materials including faux fur, paint, feathers, or fabric. Of course, most pets have eyes that come in many shapes and sizes and depend on the species of the pet. A pet’s feet are very important as it spends a lot of time running and jumping and even performing various acrobatic tricks. Often times, a polyethylene pet’s feet will be made of the same material, as it can really take a beating. Sometimes a pet’s feet, as well as a beak, snout, or similar protrusion, will be made of Styrofoam or an equally suitable plastic. Whatever the material, your feet need to have some sort of built-in slip resistance to accommodate constant movement.

Above all, since the mascot is such an active part of any team, the construction of the costume must be durable, flexible, and withstand an excessive amount of wear and tear. This will ensure the effectiveness of a pet for many seasons.

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