Living in Consciousness

As a life coach, I found harmony in my work and family life by being clear about what I needed to do to be happy, but it wasn’t always like that. For a long time I did not really live; I was participating in life on autopilot. Every morning, I woke up feeling numb and dreading the work I was doing at the time, not realizing how much I had created in my life.

I finally realized that by saying “someday” over and over I was keeping myself from feeling joy in the present moment! Realizing this habit that I had created, I was able to choose to believe in something else, something that resonated with what I wanted to attract into my reality. This action of creating new clothes allowed me to attract what I wanted instead of what I didn’t want. Consciousness is endless. We continue to evolve and expand every moment of our lives taking care of ourselves to attract a constant flow of abundance into our lives.

Get in touch with your feelings

My first real introduction to energy work was when I was in school to be a beautician. It was there that I first heard about Reiki, Polarity, acupuncture, shiatsu and many other energy modalities. Energy work helps clear stuck energy and keep the good vibes flowing. Every time I was going through a difficult time, the perfect book, person, or solution would come to mind. The more I followed this inner guidance/energy, the easier my life became. The funny thing was, I distinctly remember saying to myself, “Is this too good to be true?”

Now, I recognize my feelings objectively to manage my emotional energy or emotional charge, positive or negative. I choose to stay in a higher charge/vibration, so it is necessary to remain neutral when ranking my feelings. Instead of judging my feelings, I objectively look at a situation and decide what I want to do moving forward. I use my emotions as a guide to be clear about what I want and what I don’t want. Expressing how I feel in writing has made it easier to uncover whatever beliefs are holding me back.

let go of perfection

Growing up felt like a struggle. I never really fit in; She was not comfortable at home. I jumped from one achievement to another, hoping to find lasting joy, but I never did. I hated my life, it was so hard and I was tired. It was always, Do a little more. Learn a little more. You don’t know enough. I felt worthy, unappreciated, taken advantage of and angry.

I realized that the person I was angry with was myself, for not appreciating me, seeing my own worth and giving me time. I was tired of feeling like the victim, of promising myself that one day I would have everything I wanted in life. Then it became clear that if I wanted others to treat me in a certain way, I needed to maintain the vibration that would reflect it back to me. This realization allowed me to focus on my own happiness.

Be clear about what YOU want vs. what others want

I permanently took the pressure off of being perfect knowing that everything is already perfect. I stopped allowing the needs and opinions of others to create my life. Instead of doing what I thought everyone else wanted me to do, I started doing what I wanted. By slowing down enough to appreciate the abundance that already existed in my life, I had set the pace for understanding my emotions and what they were saying to me.

As a result, my life has been transformed in all areas because I take time out of each day to stop “doing”. I take care of myself both internally and externally. I focus on my inner self with quiet music or silence, allowing my inner voice to speak and my mind to rest. I take this time to write about my inspired thoughts, feelings and actions. Taking care of myself on an external level involves massage, acupuncture, holistic exercises, and walking.

live abundantly

Using the law of attraction means letting go of past experiences that have held you back and caused emotional chaos in your life. Your experiences shape your beliefs, and your beliefs create your future. What you believe for yourself comes from how you want to feel as a result of the energy you put out into the universe. It’s about choosing your life, moment by moment.

Now, I do everything as a mother, wife and businesswoman with less effort. The power is in your energy I am living my empowered life and mentoring others to do the same.

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