Improve your spiritual life by increasing your awareness of abundance: the law of magnetization

It is the nature of the universe to grow and evolve. Help him do this by increasing your awareness of abundance and, in turn, amplifying the flow of abundance in your life. Knowledge is information and information is a form of energy, so to enhance your experience of abundance you must increase your awareness of “becoming abundant” so that you can apply this information as a technique. Mere information without your application is useless!

The secret of intelligence is not what you know, but how you apply what you know. We all know this as “technique” or “strategy”. There is a technique for everything! In each sport, the person or team with the best technique or strategy wins! Even in school, the person with the best learning and assessment technique gets the best grades. Two people with equivalent knowledge but with different techniques will obtain 2 totally different results!

There is a technique to manifest and there are techniques to attract whatever your mind imagines. A reckless person looks at his life and blames others for it, and an intelligent person is a person of power and perceives his life as a unique manifestation of his own. Your life, as you see it, is a manifestation of past actions. You can only create in the now. Whatever you are experiencing in life is the fruit of years of manifesting it. You are shaping your future right now as we speak. This is a universal law and a universal truth, so everyone knows this, so it’s about remembering.

The “Law of Magnetization”

Become a magnet for what you want. Feelings determine the nature of the energetic state of your being and are magnets. Why do people ignore their feelings when feelings are forms of energy and are important tools to manifest things in your life? You are surrounded by an electromagnetic field of energy that attracts what is in resonance with it and repels what is not. To have wealth, you must feel wealth. At the moment of magnetization, you impress upon your consciousness the substance of physical abundance and material riches. Material means that which is manifested. The purpose of spirituality is to have the spirit mold itself in the form of physical experiences.

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