How to start a classified ads website

For convenience, I will try to share my knowledge step by step.

1. Get ready. Seek help from friends and family. Help can be in the form of money, ideas, inspiration and motivation.

2. Make a general business plan. You need to be well aware of the upcoming complexities of real life. Complexities can refer to marketing difficulties, SEO difficulties, monetary difficulties, and more. Making an action list can be very helpful. Where to start, what to promote, how to generate income are the questions you must be able to answer before jumping into the field. Get ideas from everyone you know. Out of 100 tips, chances are 10 would be very helpful tips. Reading blogs, reading news on established classified sites can be very helpful.

3. Buy a domain name. Always use a relevant domain name. The domain name should reflect what will be the content of your website in the future.

4. Buy hosting service. The hosting service is what makes your website visible to internet users around the world. is really a good place to buy hosting services. I found that using Linux hosting is better.

5. Buy a software package from a well-established script vendor. There are a few on the market. Find the one that suits your needs. Just use any search engine and type ‘classified ads script’.

6. Most companies offer free installation and if they charge certain fees, they ask for a free installation.

7. You can now browse your website. The software company will provide you with access to the administrative section of their website (c-panel). You can edit your website the way you want very easily from c-panel. Most software companies will provide you with a user manual for editing their websites.

8. Edit the website exactly how you want it and get ready for the next steps, marketing and revenue generation. Please refer to different sources and articles for this purpose.

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