How to get rid of age spots and dark blemishes in time for the summer season

It is very frustrating to have age spots and dark spots during the summer season. You can’t wear the clothes you want to wear. Many people also spend a lot of time trying to hide these skin blemishes.

You no longer have to deal with age spots and blemishes. The following simple remedies can help get rid of these skin problems in time for the summer season:

1. Blend one ripe tomato and half a cup of lime juice. Pour the mixture into a small jar and add castor oil. Mix the ingredients well. Apply this treatment on your age spots or dark spots. Generously massage the treatment into your skin for better absorption Allow it to dry for an hour before washing it off.

What makes tomato effective is its natural ability to facilitate the renewal of dermis tissues. Lime juice, on the other hand, contains citric acid that can lighten dark spots and can inhibit melanin production. Castor oil is an ancient remedy used to treat age spots. It also works well to hydrate the dermis.

2. Ripen a medium-sized papaya until it turns musky. Peel it and remove the seeds. Cut the papaya into pieces. Put it in your blender. Mix half a cup of lemon juice and two tablespoons of yogurt. Mix these ingredients together.

Papaya contains bleaching enzymes that can remove dead skin cells and help inhibit melanin production. In fact, it works well to even out your skin tone. Lemon juice contains citric acid that can facilitate the renewal of skin layers. Helps get rid of dark skin layers so that younger, whiter skin tissues can replace them. Yogurt has moisturizing properties that can make the dermis look vibrant and dewy.

3. Commit to using a whitening moisturizer made up of Extrapone Nutgrass, Phytessence Wakame, and CynergyTK. Apply this anti-aging moisturizer twice daily to reduce the appearance of dark blemishes.

Extrapone Nutgrass is an effective bleaching agent. Experts found that it can target dark spots and reduce them by up to 45% within the first two weeks of use. It also contains emollient properties that can fully hydrate the dermis.

Phytessence Wakame is a type of seaweed that can make it difficult to suddenly lose hyaluronic acid. This acid is vital for the lubrication of collagen fibers. When collagen fibers are properly lubricated, they are not easily damaged. This will prevent the appearance of more age spots.

CynergyTK is what you need to maintain the firmness of the dermis. This ingredient is a good source of keratin. Keratin is a functional protein that can help boost collagen production.

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