Greyhounds love to run, but running really is paramount

If you want to compete with greyhounds, your dogs must be in excellent shape, well trained, and exercise all the time. Fortunately, greyhounds love to run, and that’s what they need to do to stay at their top speed. Of course, running form is just as important in a greyhound, if not more so, as it is in an Olympic sprinter. Every incremental advantage in efficiency translates to higher speed and more power for longer runs and runs. If you want your greyhound to win, you need to think here. The way you really compete is paramount. Okay, let’s talk, shall we?

If you let your young greyhound run with less competitive dogs that are not the same level of fitness, they will develop bad habits. This is because greyhounds are a species that mimics the running styles of those other dogs they play with and train with. Don’t get me wrong, they are genetically superior regardless, however even if your dog is superior bred and faster than everyone else, you can still have issues with his form. Training a dog to be in perfect shape is difficult. Yes, there are prosthetic-type add-ons that you can have your dog wear to make sure he doesn’t expend extra energy, but they don’t work for everything.

A few years ago, DARPA had an interesting new device, a robotic cheetah. It seems to me that in the future this robotic cheetah could be customized and used in greyhound racing dog form to help dogs in training become better sprinters and more efficient runners. No, that robotic technology is not here yet, but we have all the computational math necessary to make this work. Then it would just be a matter of having your greyhound racing dogs chase the robotic greyhound android. They would eventually mimic his form while running.

In fact, this could be a very good way to train these elite racing dogs, while also ensuring you don’t have to keep an eye on them every step of the way, literally. Has this kind of thing been used already? No, and there are other technologies that may enter the scene before robotic greyhound racing dogs.

Holographic images can be something else, or the lining of the track with flat screens using a digital image of a running 3D dog. No matter what we choose in the future, those using the science of movement and canine ergonomics will prevail due to superior training technologies and equipment. Consider all of this and think about it.

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