Building Beach Bunnies and Buff Bodies – Start NOW!

Beach bunnies and guys with muscular bodies love summer: the chance to strip out of their bathing suits and have fun in the waves or just relax on the beach. People who are not in good shape, not so much…

That’s what makes RIGHT NOW so important. Modern science, for all its achievements, has yet to find that magic pill or potion that will give you a great body overnight, so you can’t expect to be in perfect beach shape in a week or so. two. Instead, you should start now to ensure you have that perfect physics the next time summer rolls around, even if it’s already summer. In that case, it’s too late for this year, but you can still prevent next summer from being a disappointing repeat.

Think about it for a minute: you didn’t get into your current shape overnight; it probably took years to finish the way you are now. And chances are you haven’t yet developed the willpower to go in and stay in top shape, right? So it’s important that you start now, while you still have time to overcome the occasional slip-up in your diet or exercise regimen… For years you promised yourself you’d get back in shape for the beach, and it’s time to do it. deliver.

Don’t start with any radical changes because you will find it very difficult to stick to them and you could even do yourself real physical and emotional damage if you make sudden changes to your eating habits or exercise levels. Instead start with small steps, even the longest journey starts with just one step.

Here’s how to get started, whether your goal is to be a slender beach bunny or a muscle-bodied beach bum…

Adjusting your diet…

Most people consider ‘diet’ to be one of the dirtiest four-letter words, indicative of near-starvation and denied pleasures. In this case, however, it refers to your overall daily nutritional intake. If you’re like most people, right now you wouldn’t be able to tell how many calories you’re eating or what the breakdown of carbs, protein, and fat is in your daily intake. So before you start cutting back or eliminating anything from your eating habits, start a food journal. For the next two weeks, eat as you normally would and write down everything you put in your mouth each day.

Grab a food count book or use an online calculator to see how many calories you’re consuming on average and what the nutrient breakdown is. Be totally honest here, no one will see it except you.

Once you have that 2-week log and know what your diet looks like now, start making changes to your diet, small changes you can live with, to reduce overall caloric intake and get closer to a breakdown like 40% protein, 35 % carbohydrates and 25% fat. Avoid simple carbs where you can, and limit your fat intake to healthy sources like Omega-3s. There are plenty of places online to research these topics further if you’re unfamiliar with the concepts.

Do more exercise…

Obviously, women looking for a beach bunny body don’t want big, bulky muscles, while men generally don’t despair of being bigger and more muscular. There’s good news for both of you: nature has hormonally preset your bodies in such a way that both of you can get the look you want with the same exercise. But just like with diet, start by slowly increasing your daily activity level. Start walking more and driving less. Don’t sit when you can stand. Add in some gym time, either at a commercial gym or by starting your own collection of free weights at your home gym. If you don’t have a personal trainer, get one if you can afford it, or at least watch some of the best exercise videos on YouTube and learn the correct form for each exercise. Start with a workout and weights that are appropriate for your current condition and work your way up from there.

And by the way, yes, you DO have time to exercise and get in shape… Each of the men and women whose bodies you admire (or are jealous of) get the same 168 hours a week as you do, so it’s all a matter of adjusting your priorities, maybe even (gasp) turning off the TV from time to time. And whenever you feel your motivation waning, remember how you felt at the beach last year and how you felt when you saw those beach bunnies and muscular bodies there – you know which group you want to be a part of next summer! !

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