The top 5 benefits and drawbacks of being a musician

For most of us, being a musician seems like a very romantic idea. When we think of musicians, glamorous visions of screaming fans, flashing lights, orchestras playing in perfect harmony, rock stars with crazy sex appeal, and lavish lifestyles often come to mind. But what are the real advantages and disadvantages of living day to day as a practicing musician? In this article we will discuss the various benefits and disadvantages of being a musician.


1. Playing music fills the soul

Playing music is cheaper than therapy and a lot more fun. An emotional release and a means of self-expression like no other. Playing music can take you to places in your own heart and mind that you may never have known were there. It can get you up and help you escape when you’re feeling sad, or provide a fun way to spread joy when you’re feeling good.

2. Sex appeal

Although this is definitely one of the worst reasons to become a musician, being a good player definitely has its advantages when it comes to the opposite sex. Arguably, musicians have more sex appeal than any other type of artist. You may be ugly as a dog, but if you can put on a song and nail it for some people, chances are you will catch someone’s eye and won’t have much trouble finding a date.

3. Connect with an audience

The sense of connection when playing music for a receptive audience is like no other experience on earth. Having people cheer you on as you do what you love not only feels absolutely amazing, it drives you to perform at your best and push yourself beyond the limits of what even you thought you could do. There is no place like the stage.

4. Meet new people

As a musician, you will meet and befriend people with whom you would have had nothing in common, fans and fellow musicians alike. Music, like other art forms, can bring people from all walks of life together, regardless of their differences, because it reaches people on an emotional level. Emotions go beyond whether or not you speak the same language, have the same skin color, or live in the same neighborhood. Everyone knows what it’s like to feel, and as a musician you have the gift of being able to help strangers resolve and understand their own feelings and problems through your music. And one way or another, they will thank you.

5. An active and focused mind

Being a musician will sharpen your mind and sharpen your focus. The intense mental stimulation and concentration that playing music requires will activate and exercise your mind. Playing music has been scientifically proven to improve the brain and sharpen listening skills to pick up the subtle nuances of speech and other sounds. Playing music keeps your mind strong. A strong and active mind will help you live a richer, happier and more fulfilling life. Playing music makes you smarter!


1. Your work is subjective

One of the hardest aspects of being a musician (or artist of any kind) is that what makes some people love you and shout your praises from the rooftops will make others hate your filthy guts. Music, like other art forms, is subject to the opinions of the people who experience it. It can be hard to accept when you work really hard on something and pour your heart and soul into it, only to be judged, criticized, and found wanting. If you want to be a musician, it is important that you put on your skin and learn to accept criticism along with praise.

2. Training

There is simply no way around it. Being a musician takes hours and hours of training and practice to become proficient and years to become really good. Great musicians make it look easy, but behind the glamor and romance are years of practice and hard work. If you want to be a good musician, it takes more than just a burning desire. You will have to act and take time. But make no mistake, if you really want it bad enough, you can do anything.

3. Loneliness

As with many other art forms, writing and learning to play music requires a lot of alone time. For some, it can be difficult to find the balance between dedicating time to their passion and keeping up with their friends and family. For others, this can actually be seen as a benefit. Not everything is a dark and gloomy loneliness, of course. You can take lessons, play in a band, find a writing partner, or go out and play for people. But if you want to master your instrument or learn to write a good melody, you will have to sit down and work it out on your own.

4. Lack of financial stability

Most of the time, life as a professional musician is plagued with financial instability. Returning to the disadvantage n. 1, the problem arises from the fact that your work is subject to the opinions of others and if you think it is just about being a good player, you may have a rude awakening. It takes tons of promotion, hard work, people skills, and business sense to be successful as a professional musician. But there is no question that it can be done if you play your cards right. For those of us who just do it for fun, there’s no need to worry about this one.

5. Irregular hours

Going out and playing concerts at night, promoting during the day, and long trips away from home while on the road don’t necessarily leave much room for a normal, stable home life. It’s a long way from the 9 to 5 that many of us are used to. This may seem like a dream come true depending on your priorities, but for anyone wanting to have a semblance of normalcy or routine in their lives, being a musician can be a difficult road. There are many ups and downs and it can be difficult to deal with the changes. Again, if you are playing music just for fun, there is no need to worry about this.

Can you think of other advantages or disadvantages of being a musician that you think belongs to the top 5? Leave a comment and let me know! I would love to hear from you.

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