Repair old toys with buttons wholesale

If your children still have soft toys to play with, you may find how easy it is to get their eyes taken off, even when buying toys from major manufacturers. If your children play with their toys roughly, the eyes may end up falling out after a while. If your kids like to chew on their toys, the plastic eye pieces may end up looking like chewed. Unfortunately, this can make your toys appear blind and can be very difficult to replace, especially if the ‘eye’ was damaged when it came off or was damaged in some other way. However, you don’t need to throw away your child’s favorite toy if this happens, because it is possible to fix the button toy in bulk.

It is recommended that you only replace your child’s toy eyes if they are past the stage where they like to chew on parts of their toys. Unfortunately, the buttons you sew will not sew in a completely child-proof manner and you don’t want anything to be accidentally swallowed. In fact, some parents even take their eyes off their toy when children are very young and then replace them with buttons when they get a little older. This is to protect your children from the risks associated with eating food.

The first thing to do is make sure that all the pieces of the old eye have been completely removed from the toy. If the anterior eye was cracked or damaged in any way, the sharp pieces may remain hidden within the toy’s fur or padding, so gently squeeze around the toy’s eye socket to feel for hidden parts. These can be removed successfully.

Next, look for two large wholesale buttons, which will be suitable for your toy. Wholesale buttons are available in many different colors and shapes, so you can choose a pair of buttons to match your toy’s personality. Although black rounds are used more often, it can depend on how you want your toy to look. If your toy is very colorful or had colorful eyes before, it may look great to put on colorful eyes. However, it is usually best to choose a button with four holes, as these are the easiest to sew securely.

The best way to sew your buttons in bulk is to use a cross stitch pattern, where the stitches end up looking like an x ​​shape. While this is one of the safest ways to attach your buttons, it is also a great way to give your toy more expression. For a really “sparkly” look, you can use thread that is in a color that contrasts with the color of the button. if you want, you can even use shiny yarn.

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