A man named William Kent and his stroller

Few people know the inventor of the stroller. His name was William Kent, he was born on January 1, 1685, he died on April 12, 1748. In many references, he is known for being an architect, landscaper, and furniture designer. Few people know of its relationship with the creation of baby carriages.

William Kent is best known for reviving the Palladian style of architecture in England. As a landscaper, he lacked the horticultural skills to achieve the gardens’ full impact, but the naturalistic approach to gardens paved his way for works such as the gardens found at Rousham House, Oxfordhire, or Alexander Pope’s garden villa. Thus he became the father of modern gardening. As a furniture designer, Kent’s style was well loved and his designs can still be seen at Hampton Court Palace and the National Maritime Museum, Greenwhich.

Kent was so popular in his day that he was even called in to design birthday dresses for ladies. Although he knew nothing about dress design, he decorated the dresses with his knowledge of the five classical orders of architecture.

Due to its popularity, the Duke of Devonshire drew Kent’s attention to turning it into a stroller for his children. It was 1733 and William Kent was at the height of his career. Kent invented a small shell-shaped carriage that was made of wicker, had snake designs, and was pulled by goats, Shetland ponies, or dogs. This stroller had springs added to the seats for comfort and was used primarily for young children. Unfortunately, their carriage was very heavy and the cost of making them was high. In those days, having a carriage to carry your children was a status symbol for the privileged; the more ornate and complex your carriage, the better your chances of being accepted in high society. It wasn’t long later that strollers were designed with additional safety features like handlebars and brakes.

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